How do I create an account?
When you are ready to begin your care journey, you will first need to create your Crossover Health account. Please complete the following steps to create your new account:
1) Access Crossover Health at:
2) Select “sign up" to create your account.
3) Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth as it matches your employer or benefit record. Enter your Mobile Phone Number.
4) Make a selection on how you are accessing Crossover Health.
If you select, “Through an Employer” this means your employer is partnered with Crossover Health. For eligible dependents, this means your parent, domestic partner, or spouse has access to Crossover through their employer.
A drop-down list will appear with options available to choose your employer.
If you select, “Through an Insurance Provider” this means you have purchased health insurance on your own for yourself or family and don't have health insurance coverage through your employer. It could be a private or marketplace plan. For dependents, it means your parent, domestic partner, or spouse does not have coverage through their employer.
A drop-down list will appear with options available to choose your insurance provider.
5) Check if your information is accurate, if not, click the back arrow to correct it. Enter either your work email or unique ID, such as employee ID OR Subscriber ID, depending on your selection in step 4. This is to verify your eligibility. Then, click “Verify”.
6) After you are verified, you will arrive at the account creation screen. Please enter your preferred Email & Password: As a Crossover member, you will be able to receive communications from your doctor and Care Team via email.
We strongly recommend using a personal email account as your preferred email address, especially if you do not have on-demand access to your work email beyond normal working hours, or if you would rather not use a work account to send and receive confidential medical information.
Create a password that is easy for you to remember and also meets the security requirements. Once you have completed the required fields, click ”Create Account”.
7) Check your work email for a verification message from us. Please review the contents and when ready, select the option labeled, “Verify Email”.
8) Proceed to the Crossover Health login screen: Enter your login information and select “Log In” (please remember to use your preferred email address and not your work email address).
Congratulations! You have successfully created your Crossover Health account and can now use our services.
For information on how to get care, please visit: How do I start receiving care/start a Conversation?